image shows: Work comes flooding in!  When the floor&#;s awash, wash the floor!

Image shows: Work comes flooding in! When the floor&#;s awash, wash the floor!

Image ID: 524

Luckily, weekends are normal working days at CWN, so the leak from our exploding water heater in the office was discovered before it had a chance to do any serious damage. The on-demand water heater for the kitchen sink was one of the few things that was left alone when we converted the office.

It ceased to be left alone when we arrived on Saturday morning to find the rugs floating like low-level flying carpets. It seems that the device had decided to show its age by shedding the top of its control tap, allowing mains pressure water through a brand new hole in the front of the casing all through the night.

Luckily, we have a team that can deal with a crisis, and the unit was replaced, water swept away and rugs hung up to dry within an hour.

We are coming to the time of year when burst pipes become more commonplace, so keep our number safe in case of emergency, the team can deal with all aspects of a crisis like flood damage, making good the whole building rather than just stopping the leak and leaving you to get on with it. Whatever your building, plumbing or electrical emergency, you can call us on the number above, or click in the header of any page to email us for a quick response.

This is a part of the range of professional building services offered by CWN Construction throughout Essex. For more details, simply call us or click in the header of any page
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